
Legal Notices

Our company does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, adequacy and reliability of the materials and content contained in this website, including but not limited to text, pictures, data, opinions, suggestions, web pages or links and other information. Our company solemnly and expressly disclaims responsibility for the errors or omissions of these materials and contents, and does not make any express or implied for these materials and contents, including but not limited to related title guarantees, non-infringement of third-party rights, quality and no computer Warranty against software viruses.

The Company may revise the content on this website at any time. The non-our products or services mentioned by the company on this website are only for the purpose of providing relevant information and do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of these products and services. The company does not make any representations, warranties or endorsements for any products, services or information provided on the website, and all products and services sold shall be bound by the company's sales contracts and terms.

Copyright notice

All materials and contents stated in this website are protected by copyright law, and all copyrights are owned by our company, except for the contents cited from other places stated. Without the permission of our company, no one may copy, modify, embezzle, distribute, reprint, disseminate, decompile, link or transmit with hyperlinks, or use "mirror method" to upload any content on this website in any way. into other servers, stored in an information retrieval system, or any other use.

Your use of this website

Any content on this website is protected by law, and you shall not infringe the content of this website, including but not limited to text, pictures, data, opinions, suggestions, web pages or links.

You may not use this website and/or any content it contains for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms of Use.

You may not access this website, any part thereof, or connect to this website server without authorization in any unlawful manner.

You may not obtain or attempt to obtain any content on this website in a manner not provided on this website.

You may not scan, etc., test this website and/or its network for vulnerabilities, nor breach the security or authentication measures employed by the website and its services.

You may not reverse search, track or attempt to track any information about this website; nor may you misuse or disclose any services or information within the website in any way.

You shall not interfere or attempt to interfere in any way (including without limitation the use of any device, software or program) with the proper functioning of this website and the proper use of this website by others.

You agree to abide by national laws and regulations and social and public morals when using this website and its contents. You shall not use this website and its contents to engage in any act that is illegal, infringing on the rights and interests of others, disrupting social order or disrupting social stability, nor may you use this website and its contents to engage in any harm or attempt to harm computer systems and Cybersecurity activities.

Third Party Links

This website may retain links to third-party websites or websites, and it is up to the customer to decide whether to visit these links. Our company does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of any information, data, opinions, pictures, and content provided on these links. and reliability. Our company provides these links only for convenience, and does not mean that our company recognizes and recommends these information, nor is it for publicity or advertising purposes.


Our company shall not be liable for indirect, incidental, special or any form of punitive damages, nor shall we be liable for any loss of profits, revenue, data use. Our company does not assume any responsibility for the "materials" on this website, regardless of the cause of such responsibility or the theory of infringement.

Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

You agree that all matters related to your access to or use of this website shall be interpreted, understood and governed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.

You agree that the competent court in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China has the relevant jurisdiction.

You agree that you will first contact our company when you believe that this website has violated your legal rights.

Customer Privacy

Our Privacy Statement applies to the use of this website. By browsing this website, you acknowledge and agree that we may use such information in accordance with this Privacy Statement.

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